সোনালী ব্যাংক সিনিয়র অফিসার, কম্বাইন্ড সিনিয়র অফিসার,কম্বাইন্ড অফিসার প্রিলির প্রস্ততির জন্য
উত্তরসহ নমুনা প্রশ্ন,আজকের বিষয়-কম্পিউটার ও তথ্য প্রযুক্তি। সাথেই থাকুন,চলবে.....
Question: MS EXCEL is a--
a. graphics software b. Spreadsheet software c. word processing software d. designing software e. None of these
Answer: b
a. graphics software b. Spreadsheet software c. word processing software d. designing software e. None of these
Answer: b
Question: Which is an essential component of a LAN?
a. Router b. Gateway c. NIC d. Modem
Answer: c
a. Router b. Gateway c. NIC d. Modem
Answer: c
Question: Which one is an application package?
Answer: b
Answer: b
Question: To add two cell (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula--
a. = A1 + A2 b. =Add(A1+A2) c. =together(A1:A2) d. A1 plus A2
Answer: a
a. = A1 + A2 b. =Add(A1+A2) c. =together(A1:A2) d. A1 plus A2
Answer: a
Question: Software that the computer uses to start, or 'boot' is found where?
a. The Operating System b. File Allocation Table c. Basic In-Out System d. Dynamic Data Exchange e. None of these
Answer: c
a. The Operating System b. File Allocation Table c. Basic In-Out System d. Dynamic Data Exchange e. None of these
Answer: c
Question: Analog computer works on the supply of --
a. Continuous electrical pules b. Electrical pules but not continuous c. Magnetic strength d. None of the above
Answer: a
a. Continuous electrical pules b. Electrical pules but not continuous c. Magnetic strength d. None of the above
Answer: a
Question: One millisecond is--
a. 10 seconds b. 100 seconds c. 1000 seconds d. 10000 seconds
Answer: c
a. 10 seconds b. 100 seconds c. 1000 seconds d. 10000 seconds
Answer: c
Question: UPS stand for—
a. United Power Supply b. Uninterruptible Power Supply c. Ultra Power Supply d. Universal Power Supply
Answer: b
a. United Power Supply b. Uninterruptible Power Supply c. Ultra Power Supply d. Universal Power Supply
Answer: b
Question: Which of the following memories needs refreshing?
a. SRAM b. DRAM c. ROM d. All of above
a. SRAM b. DRAM c. ROM d. All of above
Answer: b
Question: Maximum number of rows in an excel sheet are—
a. 65536 b. 65535 c. 65537 d. 65532
Answer: a
a. 65536 b. 65535 c. 65537 d. 65532
Answer: a
Question: Which one works as an output and input device?
a. Modem b. Scanner c. Mouse d. Monitor
a. Modem b. Scanner c. Mouse d. Monitor
Answer: a
Question: The process of identifying and correcting mistakes in a computer program is referred to as:
a. Debugging b. Desk Checking c. Validation d. Verification
Answer: a
a. Debugging b. Desk Checking c. Validation d. Verification
Answer: a
Question: The brain of a computer is--
a. Memory b. Hardware c. Software d. Microprocessor e. Motherboard
Answer: d
a. Memory b. Hardware c. Software d. Microprocessor e. Motherboard
Answer: d
Question: In a punched card system, data is processed by a--
a. Keypunch machine, sorter and posting machine b. Accounting machine, posting machine and billing machine c. Sorter, posting machine and billing machine d. Accounting machine, Keypunch machine and sorter
a. Keypunch machine, sorter and posting machine b. Accounting machine, posting machine and billing machine c. Sorter, posting machine and billing machine d. Accounting machine, Keypunch machine and sorter
Answer: d
Question: Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on-- a. tracks per inch of surface b. bit per inch of tracks c. disk pack in disk surface d. All of above
Answer: d
Answer: d
Question: The general term for buying and selling through the internet is—
a. Click through b. Wholesale c. E-commerce d. Streaming
Answer: c
a. Click through b. Wholesale c. E-commerce d. Streaming
Answer: c
Question: Number of bits in a byte is--
a. 8 b. 16 c. 2 d. 32 e. 10
Answer: a
a. 8 b. 16 c. 2 d. 32 e. 10
Answer: a
Question: A name or number used to identify a storage location device?
a. A byte b. A record c. An address d. All of above
Answer: c
a. A byte b. A record c. An address d. All of above
Answer: c
Question: "Microsoft Outlook" is a software design to function as:
a. An Internet Explorer b. A tool to receive and send emails c. A Publishing Software d. None of the above
Answer: a
a. An Internet Explorer b. A tool to receive and send emails c. A Publishing Software d. None of the above
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following is NOT considered to be a field replaceable unit(FRU)? a. CPU chip b. Co-processor c. SIMM d. Power supply regulator
Answer: d
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer?
a. Ctrl + Alt + Del b. Ctrl + Alt + Tab c. Ctrl + Shift + Del d. Ctrl + Shift + Tab e. Ctrl + Alt + Shift
Answer: a
a. Ctrl + Alt + Del b. Ctrl + Alt + Tab c. Ctrl + Shift + Del d. Ctrl + Shift + Tab e. Ctrl + Alt + Shift
Answer: a
Question: What does HTML stands for?
a. Hypo Thermal Mass Limiter b. Hyper Text Markup Language c. Hypo Thermal Motor Liquid d. Hyper Text Machine Linguistics e. High Tenure Mobile License
Answer: b
a. Hypo Thermal Mass Limiter b. Hyper Text Markup Language c. Hypo Thermal Motor Liquid d. Hyper Text Machine Linguistics e. High Tenure Mobile License
Answer: b
Question: Which one is a graphics software?
a. Harvard Graphics b. Dbase c. Adobe Photoshop d. A and C e. None of these
a. Harvard Graphics b. Dbase c. Adobe Photoshop d. A and C e. None of these
Answer: c
Question: In MS-Excel, the summation of the cells D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 equates--
a. =SUM(D1:D2:D3:D4:D5) b. = SUM (D1 : D5) c. = SUM (D1 ; D5) d. = (D1 : D5)
Answer: b
a. =SUM(D1:D2:D3:D4:D5) b. = SUM (D1 : D5) c. = SUM (D1 ; D5) d. = (D1 : D5)
Answer: b
Question: The ‘add or remove program’ utility can be found in:
a. Control panel b. CPU c. Desktop d. Search engine e. My Computer
Answer: a
a. Control panel b. CPU c. Desktop d. Search engine e. My Computer
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following is not a primary storage device?
a. Magnetic tape b. Magnetic disk c. Optical disk d. None of above
Answer: d
a. Magnetic tape b. Magnetic disk c. Optical disk d. None of above
Answer: d
Question: A digital computer did not score over an analog computer in terms of--
a. Speed b. Accuracy c. Cost d. Memory
a. Speed b. Accuracy c. Cost d. Memory
Answer: b
Question: EBCDIC stands for--
a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code b. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code c. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code d. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
Answer: a
a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code b. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code c. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code d. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
Answer: a
Question: What kind of secondary storage is provided by magnetic disks?
a. fast speed, high capacity b. slow speed, high capacity c. fast speed, low capacity d. slow speed, low capacity e. None
Answer: b
a. fast speed, high capacity b. slow speed, high capacity c. fast speed, low capacity d. slow speed, low capacity e. None
Answer: b
Question: Bluetooth operations use--
a. magnetic technology b. optical technology c. laser technology d. radio technology
Answer: d
a. magnetic technology b. optical technology c. laser technology d. radio technology
Answer: d
Question: The data recording format in most of the modern magnetic tape is?
a. 7-bit ASCII b. 7-bit EBCDIC c. 8-bit ASCII d. 8-bit EBCDIC
Answer: d
a. 7-bit ASCII b. 7-bit EBCDIC c. 8-bit ASCII d. 8-bit EBCDIC
Answer: d
Question: CRTs, LEDs and LCDs are—
a. Used for output, not for input b. Common types of display screens c. Obsolete since the discovery of electrical mouse d. NMR variations e. Punch card technology
Answer: a
a. Used for output, not for input b. Common types of display screens c. Obsolete since the discovery of electrical mouse d. NMR variations e. Punch card technology
Answer: a
Question: Which type of ROM is used in pen drive?
a. Mask ROM b. EP ROM c. CD ROM d. EEP ROM
Answer: d
a. Mask ROM b. EP ROM c. CD ROM d. EEP ROM
Answer: d
Question: The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal and OCR reader is the:
a. Data collection terminal b. OCR register terminal c. Video display terminal d. POS terminal
Answer: d
a. Data collection terminal b. OCR register terminal c. Video display terminal d. POS terminal
Answer: d
Question: What voltage should we measure on the yellow wires coming from the power supply in a personal computer?
a. +5 volts b. -5 volts c. +12 volts d. -12 volts
Answer: c
a. +5 volts b. -5 volts c. +12 volts d. -12 volts
Answer: c
Question: The "add or remove programs" utility can be found in--
a. My document b. Desktop c. System restore d. Control Panel e. None of these
Answer: d
a. My document b. Desktop c. System restore d. Control Panel e. None of these
Answer: d